News & Notices

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Foster Businesses, Would You Like to Be Included In Our Directory?

Please let us know

The Town of Foster Web Page provides a list of businesses in town and their services. If you would like to add, update, or remove a closed... more ››

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Firewood donations accepted

at Social Services

Foster DSS accepts donations of fire wood for those who need help keeping their home warm this season. Please call 392-9208 if you are... more ››

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Restrictions to Food Donations

The RI Food Bank, which provides oversight for the town food pantry, is working with State agencies to clarify ‘acceptable’ donations.  In... more ››

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New Town of Foster Police Station

Why it is needed

1) Why does the Town of Foster Police Department need a new building?The current building cannot be brought to... more ››

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Covered Bridge Weight Limit Imposed

The RI Department of Transportaton is notifying the Town of Foster that a new weight restriction will be implemented on Bridge 085901 which... more ››

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Emergency Broadband Benefit Program

For qualifying low-income households

The Emergency Broadband Benefit Program is a Federal Communications Commission (FCC)... more ››

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Online Shopping with SNAP

For more information on where and how to use your EBT card to purchase groceries online visit:  cscs... more ››

girl helping with computer

Seniors - Do You Need Help With Your Computer?

Cyber-Seniors Can Help

Cyber-Senors' Tech Mentors are trained to help with your smartphone, tablet, or computer.

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Unsure If You Are Registered to Vote?

You can check your Voter Status online

You can check your voter registration status on the Secretary of State's site:... more ››

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Online Forms Available on the Foster PD page

User-friendly forms that can be filled out and printed from your home computer are available through the link below:

—BCI... more ››

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Resources for People Who May Be Experiencing Violence

You Are Not Alone

People who are surviving violence in their relationships or families may be experiencing increased isolation and danger caused by social... more ››

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Meals for Students

Contact information

If you are in need of meals, please contact either the Middle School, High School (401) 710-7500 or the Elementary school 647-5100 to... more ››

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Grocery Home Delivery Options

for Stay-at-Homes

See list below, click on the .jpg

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Licenses are now issued through DEM

The Department of Environmental Management now issues fishing licenses for fresh and salt water fishing directly from their website... more ››

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We've Got Your Number!

And it should be near the road in front of your house

Finding the right house in an emergency can be daunting in Foster. Long driveways, dark roads, and secluded, unnumbered homes can delay a... more ››

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Notary Publics Are Available at the Town Hall

All Town Hall Clerks are Notaries

If you need a document notarized, any of the clerks at the Town Hall can do that for you.
There is no fee, but please have ... more ››

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Special Needs Emergency Registry

To Aid First Responders in Offering Asststance

The Rhode Island Department of Health (RIDOH) and the Rhode Island Emergency Management Agency (RIEMA) maintain a registry for Rhode Island... more ››

Attention Hikers, Bikers, Archers, and other Land Trust property users

Fluorescent Orange Wear Required

Fluorescent Orange Required for hikers, bikers and other Land Trust property users:

Photo of Town Hall

We are also on Facebook!

Keep up to date with the latest news

"Like" us on our new page at the link below.https://www.facebook.... more ››

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Applications for Tax Credit for Elderly and Disabled are Available online

Please use the link below access the application files
