We've Got Your Number!

And it should be near the road in front of your house
photo of number plaque

Finding the right house in an emergency can be daunting in Foster. Long driveways, dark roads, and secluded, unnumbered homes can delay a life-saving response.

High quality, metal number plaques are available from the Town Hall for $10 each to help police, ambulance, and the fire companies find you when you need it most. These number plaques should be posted on the mailbox support or a similar post by the entrance to your driveway. Vertically or horizontally--your preference--but please mount them so that they are visible from both directions.

You may purchase your own numbers from any hardware or department store, or order from us by contacting Sue Boucher at the Town Hall, at 401-392-9201 or email her at sboucher@townoffoster.com.

Please help our first responders! Thank you!