Special Needs Emergency Registry

To Aid First Responders in Offering Asststance
Emergency Responder photo
Photo of emergency responder in action

The Rhode Island Department of Health (RIDOH) and the Rhode Island Emergency Management Agency (RIEMA) maintain a registry for Rhode Island residents with disabilities, chronic conditions, and/or special healthcare needs who live at home or in group homes. (Residents of assisted living residences and nursing homes already have staff to assist first responders.)

By participating in the Registry, you permit RIDOH and RIEMA to share your information with local and state emergency responders, such as the Foster Police and/or Fire Departments. The information that you provide may help responders meet your needs during an emergency, though assistance cannot be guaranteed.

See links below for a printable registry form and more information. For an online fillable form, go to www.health.ri.gov/emregistry.

Printable Registry form.  (Click on the "Enroll Now" button.)

Additional online information.