New Town of Foster Police Station

Why it is needed
image of police station

1) Why does the Town of Foster Police Department need a new building?

The current building cannot be brought to code for a police station, and is under State and Federal violations.

  • The current building on Howard Hill Road cannot meet the requirements of a police station: it is a small house without appropriate or adequate space to comply with regulations.
  • The building is under State and Federal violations including ADA, Fire/Electrical Code, and Civil Rights. These violations were suspended temporarily because the town has been actively working on a solution, however the building will be shut down if the town does not move forward with a new station plan.
  • Until the Town of Foster Police Department has a building that meets regulatory standards, it cannot be accredited—resulting in missed opportunities to apply for grants, and an increase in Police Professional Liability Insurance.

2) What is the solution?

Build a new facility on prime real estate gifted to the town.

  • A non-partisan volunteer committee, working on behalf of the town for five years, has analyzed a wide range of options. The most cost-effective solution is to build a new facility designed specifically to meet the town’s needs.
  • Prime real estate at the corner of Route 6 and Route 94 has been generously donated to the South Foster Fire Department, which in turn is giving a portion of the land to the town for the specific purpose of building a new police station.

3) What does a new station mean for you?

A safe and secure building, highly visible and easily accessible, near Foster schools.

  • The new station will be fully compliant with all State and Federal regulations—and will absolve the town of mounting non-compliance fines.
  • It will provide a safe facility with required space for interviews, interrogations, detention, and secure weapons and evidence storage.
  • The location will be easily accessible, and in closer proximity to Captain Isaac Paine School and the regional schools in the event of an emergency.
  • Its highly visible location on a busy and often dangerous road will serve as a deterrent to speeding motorists.

4)  What is the cost to taxpayers?

Approval on the proposed building will minimally increase taxes. If the new building does not pass, the town will incur non-compliance fees, higher liability insurance, and the cost of a temporary location for the Police Department.

  • The committee anticipates the cost to build the new station will be approximately $3 million. This is an estimation based on the expertise of the committee and the architect. If the town moves forward with the new station, the Town Council will solicit bids for the project.
  • The current estimated cost for taxpayers for a $3 million 20-year bond would be $40 annually for a home and property valued at $100,000. For a home/property value of $350,000, the estimated cost would be $140 per year or $35 per quarter. The cost to taxpayers may be lower if other income sources are available (such as capital funds, Federal funds, grants, etc.).  
  • If the new station is not approved, taxpayers will still pay: for the State and Federal non-compliance fines, higher rates of liability insurance, and a temporary location for the Police Department; ultimately, a new station will still be needed.

5) The Bottom Line

A new facility is needed for the Police Department. Building on prime, gifted land is the most cost-effective option for taxpayers.

  • The Foster Police Department cannot stay in its current location.
  • A non-partisan volunteer committee spent five years examining all reasonable options and locations. The gift of prime land at the Route 6 and Route 94 intersection makes the construction of a new facility the most cost-effective solution. There is no cost-free option.
  • If the voters of Foster move forward with the police station, it is anticipated the new building will be completed by Fall 2023.
  • Make your voice heard. Residents registered to vote in the Town of Foster may vote at the in-person Financial Town Meeting on June 15, 2021 at 7 p.m., at the Ponaganset High School Field House, 137 Anan Wade Road, Glocester, RI.

Follow this link to view the presentation:


--Town of Foster Town Council